Hugh Jackman....Logan/Wolverine
Halle Berry....Ororo Munroe/Storm
Ian McKellen....Eric Lensherr/Magneto
Famke Janssen....Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix
Anna Paquin....Marie/Rogue
Kelsey Grammer....Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast
Rebecca Romijn....Raven Darkholme/Mystique
James Marsden....Scott Summers/Cyclops
Shawn Ashmore....Bobby Drake/Iceman
Aaron Stanford....John Allerdyce/Pyro
Patrick Stewart....Professor Charles Xavier
Ben Foster....Warren Worthington III/Angel
Had watched this movie almost a long time ago, but didn’t have the drive to wrote a review about it. It was inevitable, the movie was very much so-so, not so great like X-Men 2; the same can be said about MI3. Anyway, felt so sorry for James Marsden and his only-about-ten-minutes part. I actually asked whether he would, perhaps, miraculously show up again at the end of the show! Alas, that didn’t happen.
The story was about how the US government had succeeded in finding a cure to erase any mutant gene in mutant’s body and make them normal humans. The mutants easily divided into pro-con groups in response to this finding, you can guess that the con group was lead by the notorious Magneto, while Professor Xavier looked at it as a choice. The war began and in the middle of it, came and rose from the death, Jean Grey, but not as the same person. Her altered personality, the one that possessed an incredible power, had submerged. Phoenix, Jean Grey’s other personality, didn’t hesitated to kill any one who was on her way. She even finished our beloved Professor Xavier!!! My eyes were actually blurred when this tragedy happened; it was like watching Captain Picard died! NOOOOO!!!! Phoenix’s appearance reminded me of Queen of the elf Galadriel when trying to take the ring from Frodo. Brrr… spooky…
One of the pleasing parts from watching X-Men3 was the new character, Angel. His wings were sooo awesome! A little interesting note: when I saw the X-Men3 poster in Jakarta, Angel was wearing the X-Men uniform, but when I browsed for it in the net, I found other edition of it (the one you can see now on this posting). Angel was bare chested!!! Hahaha. Did they do it for the properness reason? I wonder whether they put the same version in Malaysia? Btw, Ben Foster... hmmm, didn't he use to play teen-flicks? Nice leap!!
Oh well, anyway… at least I have watch it and am not still wondering.
The story was about how the US government had succeeded in finding a cure to erase any mutant gene in mutant’s body and make them normal humans. The mutants easily divided into pro-con groups in response to this finding, you can guess that the con group was lead by the notorious Magneto, while Professor Xavier looked at it as a choice. The war began and in the middle of it, came and rose from the death, Jean Grey, but not as the same person. Her altered personality, the one that possessed an incredible power, had submerged. Phoenix, Jean Grey’s other personality, didn’t hesitated to kill any one who was on her way. She even finished our beloved Professor Xavier!!! My eyes were actually blurred when this tragedy happened; it was like watching Captain Picard died! NOOOOO!!!! Phoenix’s appearance reminded me of Queen of the elf Galadriel when trying to take the ring from Frodo. Brrr… spooky…
One of the pleasing parts from watching X-Men3 was the new character, Angel. His wings were sooo awesome! A little interesting note: when I saw the X-Men3 poster in Jakarta, Angel was wearing the X-Men uniform, but when I browsed for it in the net, I found other edition of it (the one you can see now on this posting). Angel was bare chested!!! Hahaha. Did they do it for the properness reason? I wonder whether they put the same version in Malaysia? Btw, Ben Foster... hmmm, didn't he use to play teen-flicks? Nice leap!!
Oh well, anyway… at least I have watch it and am not still wondering.
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