Monday, August 28, 2006

Travel: SPBU 44.521.08, Tegal

If you’re on a drive to central Java through the Pantura, or to any other places, there will come a time when you need to stretch out your legs and answer those nature calls. Ten years ago, though this may be too far away back, you simply could not find a decent toilet everywhere on the road. I remembered having to hold my breath and focusing hard on not noticing my surrounding when using the public toilets; they were usually dirty, icky, dark, damp, cramped, and especially funny smelled.

But thanks to the recent revolutionary development on SPBU, we seldom need to torture our bladders by holding the calls anymore. Almost everywhere you look, you will find grander, cleaner, and even mall-like gas stations in Jakarta or at any other roads on main routes. Some of them have Starbucks, Indomaret, decent mushala, etc.

SPBU 44.521.08 in Tegal certainly know how to win its crowd by putting the BIG sign of “Pemenang Penghargaan MURI untuk Fasilitas Toilet Terbanyak 67 Toilet”; some of them maybe stop there to satisfy their curiosities, while some… well, simply because they need to go. My family and me were there on the account of both, and the place was turned out to be truly accommodating. The toilets (for the ladies’ at least, didn’t went to the gents’ ;-p) were clean, bright, and spacious enough to have a comfy shower, and there were no funny odor there. The mushala also nicely build with air conditioner, clean carpets, and good place to take your wudhu. They also had some clean mukenas to lend.

Over all, this SPBU will be a good choice for us to rest a while. Oh, but just for a little tip: don’t be too surprised if you find a lot of foods/beverages that were overpriced on its store. Anyway, here’s the record found in for more details:

Pemegang Rekor: SPBU 44.521.08 Sintha Irawati-Tegal

Ibu Shinta Irawati menumpangkan rekor lamanya sendiri di SPBU yang sama dahulu pada tanggal 16 Januari 2003, tercatat di MURI dengan jumlah fasilitas SPBU 44.521.08 tegal sebanyak 25 toilet (10 kamar mandi, 10 urinoir & 5 kamar mandi khusus pria) dan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2004 sudah berjumlah 67 toilet. Fasilitas toilet ini layak masuk MURI sebagai SPBU yang memiliki fasilitas toilet terbanyak. Penyerahan Piagam dilakukan oleh Ibu Sri Widayati.

P.S. Sorry, no pictures. I got there with only one super urgent thing in mind. ;-p


Anonymous said...

eh,kayaknya aku pernah dengar tentang rekor toilet umum ini,toiletnya bersih ngak Chihirosan?

ispdina said...

As I wrote in the review: bersih dan nyaman.

PS. Waktu itu lho ya, mudah2an sih sekarang juga masih begitu.

Anonymous said...

Iya mudah2han aja yah..Soalnya yah,tau sendiri Indonesia.