I couldn’t believe my luck! I had been so eager to watch this movie, being an all time Asterix’s fan and all, but the cinemas in Jakarta only played it for about one week or something, so it was all gone before I can say Vitalstatistix! I even considered watching it in Solo, when I saw the poster at its mall last Independence Day’s holiday.
But at long last, when I went to Bekasi last weekend for my weekly report to the parents, what did I saw on one of the Mal Metropolitan’s cinema poster’s board? Asterix and the Vikings! Woo-hoo!!!
I went to watch this movie with a blank head, of course I’ve read the book: Asterix and the Normans and proclaimed it as my favorite, but unlike with any other movies, this time I went without the taint of reviews.
The main point of the story stayed true to the book: the fearless Vikings whose the very names were the terror of every villages and countries, heard that fear can give people wings—actual physical wings; this was why their potential ravage objects always seemed able to fly away before their rampage. So they decided to embark on a new journey, the mission: find the champion of fear to teach them how to fly, by Thor and Odin!
“And after that, the world would say the Viking is the chikenest people in the world!” roared the chief.
“CHICKEN!” answered his bulky men.
“We are the COWARDS!” he growled again.
“COWARDS!” As they raised their goblets made from human skulls in a hall filled with human skeletons hung there for decoration.
The mission was conveniently enough decided at the same time as the arrival of Justforkix, Vitalstatistix’s nephew, who needed to be taught to become a warrior at our loveable Gaul’s village. This Parisian was the picture of modern town teenager, with his fancy chariot, vegetarian diet, and a pet dove named SMS, short for Short Message Servicix, whose job was delivering messages for Justforkix.
Here are some other typical Asterix's hilarious dialogues:
Chief wife: “Don’t forget to find me matching skulls to complete my collection!”
Chief: Okay, dear, I’ll try to find a twin this time.”
Obelix: “That walrus looks delicious… How did you make it?”
Chief: “Oh, the walrus with cream sauce? Easy, just like making strawberries with cream sauce. First, prepare the walrus and the cream, and this time instead of using strawberries, you… WHO ARE YOU?”
The movie was fun because there were some twists in the story. You wouldn’t find Asterix and Obelix going to the North in rescue of Justforkix in the comic book, or the character named Abba who was the chief’s daughter and Justforkix’s love interest. The cartoon itself was not a disappointment, completed with the necessary animation technology but at the same time generally stayed true to Uderzo’s good old 2D. Over all, it was a pleasant experience and worth the long anticipation.

More on: http://www.asterix.co.nz/movies/asterixandthevikings.htm
oooo gue pikir pilem ini pilem asterix yang orang. soalnya itu kan jelek banget (gue udah nonton tuh).
wah, informasinya membantu sekali lho ndah... hahahaha....
so pasti, gak mungkin lagi donk gue nonton di bioskop. terpaksa cari dvd nya...
hai bir!
gue udah nonton pilem ini. Iya, seru ya dengan si viking yang o'on itu. cheers!
Seru, kan? Hehehe.
Tapi film kartun ini emang udah jauh lebih canggih daripada kartun Asterix yang lama, lebih enak buat mata--meski sama2 2D, yang lama terasa lebih kaku.
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