First episode: 30 Oct 2006; every Monday on RCTI at 19.00; Sinema Art
Believe me, friend, I was as amazed as you are when you’re reading this posting to find myself actually enjoying a sinetron after I don’t know for how long! I mean, what possibly have possessed me to do this? But seriously, last night I find myself laughing out loud for this TV Series; its dialogues were actually funny; its casts were surprisingly genuinely good.
Starring Christian Sugiono and Alyyssa Soebandono, this sinetron gives us the story of a rather mischievous and popular high school girl named Amel who has been betrothed ever since she was born to his grandpa’s best friend’s grandson, Fabian. Amel already knew about this arrangement and was even looking forward to the happy day to come when she will finally meet her prince. They accidentally bumped to each other and instantly felt the attraction, but Amel didn’t know then, that Fabian was gonna be the new counselor teacher (in Indonesia: guru BP) at her school.
Being the troublemaker at school like she always has, didn’t make her relationship with Fabian better. She even later decided to protest against the engagement, despite the little sparks that keep flying and taunting this two when they are around each other.
I saw this sinetron last night because my sister said that the story was, like so many other sinetrons these days, adapted from a Korean TV Series** played by Lee Dong-Gun (Sweet 18). I couldn’t comment more about this because I haven’t watch that series. But adaptation or not, I have to give Sinema Art around of applause for the originally entertaining dialogues, naturally funny scenes—not the slapsticks you’d see a lot on your TV screen lately, new potentials on the casts line-up, and nice catchy-on-the-right-places soundtrack so far for only the last night episode. I just hope they didn’t prolong the script and turn it into another television disaster.
**Let me just say that one of them, I think the title is Benci Jadi Cinta, is horribly copying My Girl (Lee Dan Hae, Lee Dong Wuk, Lee Joon Ki). And when I said horribly, I mean tottaly horrid “HORRIBLY”. They made Nia Ramdhani’s hair and clothes—at least they tried to make them—just like Lee Dan Hae's, down to the furry scrafs, I mean, Hellooooo!!! It's tropical right here in Jakarta!!! Duh!!!; they cast Jonathan Frizzy who in a way looks like Lee Dong Wuk, God knows who they chose to play Lee Joon Ki’s part, I draw my line at the first cheesy ten minutes of the sinetron.
***For God sake, it was the exact (in Indonesian: plek-plekan) copy of the first ten minutes in My Girl: the bus scene, the heroine pretend to be ill in order to withhold the flight scene, even the bloody soundtrack, etc, but only in this case, they’re brilliantly making the—did I already say this?—cheesy and lowly version of it!!!!!! And they have the nerve to say that it’s NOT an “adaptation”? The word “adaptation” will not even deserve to be used to describe what they’re doing!
Phew… okay, I’ll need to take some air, here…
Anyway, tell me what you think after watching Pengantin Remaja. It’s on RCTI every Monday, 19.00. But let me say this: watching Christian Sugiono, the cute Javanese-German guy, on it will definitely worth your time… ;-p
Image and an article about this sinetron: :: IndonesiaSelebriti.com ::
Believe me, friend, I was as amazed as you are when you’re reading this posting to find myself actually enjoying a sinetron after I don’t know for how long! I mean, what possibly have possessed me to do this? But seriously, last night I find myself laughing out loud for this TV Series; its dialogues were actually funny; its casts were surprisingly genuinely good.
Starring Christian Sugiono and Alyyssa Soebandono, this sinetron gives us the story of a rather mischievous and popular high school girl named Amel who has been betrothed ever since she was born to his grandpa’s best friend’s grandson, Fabian. Amel already knew about this arrangement and was even looking forward to the happy day to come when she will finally meet her prince. They accidentally bumped to each other and instantly felt the attraction, but Amel didn’t know then, that Fabian was gonna be the new counselor teacher (in Indonesia: guru BP) at her school.
Being the troublemaker at school like she always has, didn’t make her relationship with Fabian better. She even later decided to protest against the engagement, despite the little sparks that keep flying and taunting this two when they are around each other.

**Let me just say that one of them, I think the title is Benci Jadi Cinta, is horribly copying My Girl (Lee Dan Hae, Lee Dong Wuk, Lee Joon Ki). And when I said horribly, I mean tottaly horrid “HORRIBLY”. They made Nia Ramdhani’s hair and clothes—at least they tried to make them—just like Lee Dan Hae's, down to the furry scrafs, I mean, Hellooooo!!! It's tropical right here in Jakarta!!! Duh!!!; they cast Jonathan Frizzy who in a way looks like Lee Dong Wuk, God knows who they chose to play Lee Joon Ki’s part, I draw my line at the first cheesy ten minutes of the sinetron.
***For God sake, it was the exact (in Indonesian: plek-plekan) copy of the first ten minutes in My Girl: the bus scene, the heroine pretend to be ill in order to withhold the flight scene, even the bloody soundtrack, etc, but only in this case, they’re brilliantly making the—did I already say this?—cheesy and lowly version of it!!!!!! And they have the nerve to say that it’s NOT an “adaptation”? The word “adaptation” will not even deserve to be used to describe what they’re doing!
Phew… okay, I’ll need to take some air, here…
Anyway, tell me what you think after watching Pengantin Remaja. It’s on RCTI every Monday, 19.00. But let me say this: watching Christian Sugiono, the cute Javanese-German guy, on it will definitely worth your time… ;-p
Image and an article about this sinetron: :: IndonesiaSelebriti.com ::
Minal Aidin Wal Faizin, Chihiro.
Yes, I do despise the local 'photocopy' series. (Princess Hours, My Girl, Prince Who Turned into Frog, etc.)
I watched My Girl just last week and was amazed by the level of imitation made by the sinetron "Benci Jadi Cinta".
Although I do HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, the fact that they didn't even try to make a bit modification, I still like the local version of Cheng Yu better.
I think that Lee Jun Gi is too 'feminine looking'. (Can't help but noticed the thick make up he wore in the beginning of the series.)
Minal Aidin wal Faidzin to you too, Batata.
So glad you've seen what they've done to My Girl... at least now I have someone who understand my frustration against Benci Jadi Cinta.
Man, the thought of it still make me fumed!!
LOL. I'm not really into ultra cute feminine boys, either, but you should see Joon-Gi in other manly role, despite his looks, IMHO, he still could score those characters... ;-p
(Got to see him in Lee Soo-Young's MV for the song "Grace", boy, that guy can really smile!)
can u giv me the link...i really want 2 see dis sinetron until the end...plzzz...
u can post the link 2 my address
hope u can post the link as soon as possible coz i really want 2 see pengatin remaja until the end...
wow anonymous... so sorry, but even I myself didnt make it until the last episode, due to work etc.
sorry again, but really cant help you there.
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