Anyway, the name Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK) itself was translated into "Rising Gods of the East." The Japanese equivalent of the group's name is Tōhōshinki (abbreviated as THSK), while in Taiwan, they are known as Tong Vfang Xien Qi (TVSQ). And they all were born at 1986!!! Except for Max who was born in 1987. Talk about brondong bo!!
Dong Bang Shin Ki's members are:

MICKY Yu Cheon

HERO Jae Jeong

MAX Chang Min


Although Hero (Jae Jeong) had easily caught my eyes—and this was easily proven because the camera definitely love him! He looked great on still images---later on, after watching U-know (Yun Ho) danced, I decided that he was the Dong Bang Shin Ki’s member for me.
But then after a while, I changed my mind again. I was really taken by Xiah’s (Jun-Su) powerful and typicality voice—thick in almost every songs even when the five of them singing together, but perhaps for me, especially in Rising Sun and Ashita wa Kuru Kara, and then of course his own solo song with Jang Ri In, a female singer, in Timeless. He has grown nicely through these years ;-p
But then again, nowadays, I can’t really make up my mind. Seeing U-know showing his dance moves… for example, in Destiny (those opening moves under the rain, OMG: he certainly didn’t play nice to my weak heart ;-p): WOW! The phrase “yummy young blood” will instantly pop up in my mind ;-p
Too bad, he’s a bit different now. As if he has lost his sparks. The incident (a girl who was an anti-fan gave him a beverage containing substances usually found in Super Glue!!!!) must’ve had gotten into him. Well, who wouldn’t?
You can read more detail on this topic in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVXQ
U-know, I hope you’ll get yourself together again soon. Nuna is praying for you!
What kind of songs do they perform? Listening few of their songs, I think they’re trying to do a lot of genres. But I think their strong point is in dance-fast-pace songs and R&B. Their acappellas didn’t really stand out, and their boyband’s types of songs are really not in my menu (Hug for example, not bad but I would prefer something else).
My favorite DBSK’s MV so far is definitely Rising Sun (well, at least, minus the Brady Bunch's scenes ;-p). All of them really looked HOT in that clip. My favorite parts were when they all leaped like young stallions and the slow break dance time. But the new O-Junbanhap’s (did I wrote it correctly?) MV was also cool.

Anyway, browsing the net for their images was so easy, there’s seemed to be a lot of blogthat that hosted their pictures. Thanks a lot to all of you!!! Way to go! Great pics and great blogs/forums!
Here are some of them:
Oh wow ... 1987 - 6??
The age difference would be like ... errr ... a lot? Duh, Chihiro! ;p
After the F4 era, I don't think I have the energy for ehm ... another boy band 'infatuation'.
*Nenek Batata sudah tuaaa ...*
Hey, let me get one thing straight here: I am not infatuated with them! I'm just admitting that they got the talent to compete in the harsh entertainment world ;-p
That, and the fact that I positioned myself as an observer of Korean popcult... (excuses?? hahaha)
Anyway, my sister's fandom is really in the state of madness! HAHAHAHA, so I kind of dedicated this posting for her :-))
Btw, how's everything at your house? Did you, your home/family survive the flood? I hope so :-((
"yooo Anty.. lets make some noise beat" yoo cheon says..
TVXQ saranghaeyo.. wahaha akhirnya.. terkontaminasi jg dia!!!
gambar mickynya krg banyak tuh!!! loh kok malah jd bkn blog'nya meke..
pokoknya hampir smua lagu DBSK gw suka, trutama klo micky yg nyanyi n' n-rap..
chonmal kamsahamnida onni.. sering2 bkn hati gw seneng ya.. cup..cup .. muah.. "tp bwt micky"
Bah! Gue pikir cup cup mmuah-nyabuat gue ;-p
Sama2, thank you dah ngasih denger gue lagu2 mereka yang enak. (^__^)V
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