I have always been curious about the usually middle ages men, sitting on a pillow, wearing kimono, speaking enthusiastically about god knows what to an audience, with a fan most of the time at one of his hand. They’re seemed to telling his audience funny stories cause whatever they’re saying they will be rewarded with laughter. I didn’t get it at the time, because of my minimum Japanese (still minimum now ;-p).
That is why I’m so glad that I found this dorama. The subtitles and the “modern” interpretations of this traditional art which has hundred of years history helped me a lot. I finnaly knew that there was a name for this kind of show: Rakugo. And now, I totally understand why there were fanatics among the Rakugo fans. It will be a pity indeed if the young generations considered it only as old men’s thing.
Just like lines in a play, the monologues and stories in Rakugo seemed to be fixed, the story tellers have to memorize all of them—which means learning by heart all the old-difficult to remember-Japanese words. There were several scenes when Toraji (Tomoya Nagase) had to add some more furrows among those already twisted brows of his to do this.

As expected, the stories were ancient ones: about Confucius and his burnt stable, lazy fisherman and his wife, simple storeowner and a rich and greedy nobleman, etc. All of the stories contain teachings, critics, anecdotes, etc; in short, stories that are more than meet the eyes.
In short, the dorama was about a yakuza member, Toraji (Nagase Tomoya) who has to collect payments from a Donbei (Nishida Toshiyuki) whose son (Ryuji, played by Okada Junichi) used the money to open an eclectic clothing store. Surprisingly, Toraji later discovered and fell in love with Rakugo (traditional Japanese comical monologues) through Donbei who later teaches him the art (became his Shishou). And in the dorama, Toraji invented a new way to perform Rakugo, and his was very fresh and fun to watch! Yakuza's Rakugo!!!

The story then revolved around Toraji (Nagase) who’s trying to master Rakugo, his Shishou Donbei (Nishida), and Ryuji the Shishou’s son (Okada). In this sense, I really felt that Nagase and Nishida were definitely dominating the screen; Okada presence was even felt unwelcome. Okada didn’t really contribute much for the dorama, in my opinion. I was totally rooting for more Nagase’s and Nishida’s scenes.
And don’t let me start on the Megumi character (Itoh Misaki). She’s totally irritating. Watching her trying to be funny almost always made me rolled my eyes. But then again she probably was born to play as a dull-helpless and not so smart girl. Ups, I maybe a bit harsh, there… ;-p
Anyway, I was entertained and personally amazed on how they were able to create seamless transitions between the rakugo story telling, the re-enactment of the story itself, and then the current drama happenings. Each episode focuses on a different rakugo story but still proceeded at a nice pace.
Side comments:
- Wow, V6 still exist? Hehe sorry, guys. But I really didn’t thought that this boyband will last this long…
- Nagase has surely developed nicely over these years. I first saw him as a young lover in Koibito Yo, I think, and that was about ten years ago. Never had much interest in him or his band TOKIO at the time, he was also cute back then, but wasn’t really my type. I was more into the SMAP and Kimura Takuya ;-p. But now he looked alarmingly attractive… **Could it be that Chi has found another eye candy? Hehehe.
- Except for the two people I have said my remarks about earlier, all the casts were having great chemistries! The yakuzas, the Hayashiatei’s people (that’s the name of the Rakugo Theater), all of them were great.
- New blood to be accounted for: Tsukamoto Takashi who played Nagase’s young yakuza apprentice. Should definitely look for more of his dorama.
- I didn't get the first special episode, which would explain why I felt something missing at the beginning of the first episode of the series.
Genre: Comedy Episodes: 1 Special + 11 Broadcast Network: TBS Broadcast Period: 2005-Apr-15 to 2005-Jun-24 Screenwriter: Kudo Kankuro Directors: Kaneko Fuminori, Katayama Osamu, Tsuboi Toshio Theme Songs: Opening song: Tiger & Dragon by Crazy Ken Band; Ending song: UTAO-UTAO by V6 Language: Japanese
That is why I’m so glad that I found this dorama. The subtitles and the “modern” interpretations of this traditional art which has hundred of years history helped me a lot. I finnaly knew that there was a name for this kind of show: Rakugo. And now, I totally understand why there were fanatics among the Rakugo fans. It will be a pity indeed if the young generations considered it only as old men’s thing.
Just like lines in a play, the monologues and stories in Rakugo seemed to be fixed, the story tellers have to memorize all of them—which means learning by heart all the old-difficult to remember-Japanese words. There were several scenes when Toraji (Tomoya Nagase) had to add some more furrows among those already twisted brows of his to do this.

As expected, the stories were ancient ones: about Confucius and his burnt stable, lazy fisherman and his wife, simple storeowner and a rich and greedy nobleman, etc. All of the stories contain teachings, critics, anecdotes, etc; in short, stories that are more than meet the eyes.

The story then revolved around Toraji (Nagase) who’s trying to master Rakugo, his Shishou Donbei (Nishida), and Ryuji the Shishou’s son (Okada). In this sense, I really felt that Nagase and Nishida were definitely dominating the screen; Okada presence was even felt unwelcome. Okada didn’t really contribute much for the dorama, in my opinion. I was totally rooting for more Nagase’s and Nishida’s scenes.

Anyway, I was entertained and personally amazed on how they were able to create seamless transitions between the rakugo story telling, the re-enactment of the story itself, and then the current drama happenings. Each episode focuses on a different rakugo story but still proceeded at a nice pace.
Side comments:
- Wow, V6 still exist? Hehe sorry, guys. But I really didn’t thought that this boyband will last this long…
- Nagase has surely developed nicely over these years. I first saw him as a young lover in Koibito Yo, I think, and that was about ten years ago. Never had much interest in him or his band TOKIO at the time, he was also cute back then, but wasn’t really my type. I was more into the SMAP and Kimura Takuya ;-p. But now he looked alarmingly attractive… **Could it be that Chi has found another eye candy? Hehehe.

- New blood to be accounted for: Tsukamoto Takashi who played Nagase’s young yakuza apprentice. Should definitely look for more of his dorama.
- I didn't get the first special episode, which would explain why I felt something missing at the beginning of the first episode of the series.

Nagase Tomoya as Yamazaki Kotora / Hayashiyatei Kotora / Tora / Toraji / Toravolta
Okada Junichi as Yanaka Ryuji / Hayashiyatei Kotatsu
Itoh Misaki as Megumi
Nishida Toshiyuki as Yanaka Shoukichi / Hayashiatei Donbei / Shishou / Don-chan
Shoufukutei Tsurube as Nakatani Ken / Ken-chan (Shinjuku RyuseIkai Kumicho)
Tsukamoto Takashi as Nakatani Ginjiro / Gin-gin
Okada Junichi as Yanaka Ryuji / Hayashiyatei Kotatsu
Itoh Misaki as Megumi
Nishida Toshiyuki as Yanaka Shoukichi / Hayashiatei Donbei / Shishou / Don-chan
Shoufukutei Tsurube as Nakatani Ken / Ken-chan (Shinjuku RyuseIkai Kumicho)
Tsukamoto Takashi as Nakatani Ginjiro / Gin-gin
Genre: Comedy Episodes: 1 Special + 11 Broadcast Network: TBS Broadcast Period: 2005-Apr-15 to 2005-Jun-24 Screenwriter: Kudo Kankuro Directors: Kaneko Fuminori, Katayama Osamu, Tsuboi Toshio Theme Songs: Opening song: Tiger & Dragon by Crazy Ken Band; Ending song: UTAO-UTAO by V6 Language: Japanese
I haven't even read your entire post and I already posted a comment. (baru liat gambar doang)
*Since today is Valentine's day, I'm going to be as shallow as those who bought Hallmark's propaganda* :))
Which one? The guy on the right?
Yup, that's Tomoya Nagase... A little gossip: he's Ayumi Hamasaki's boyfriend... (still, I think)
As I said on the posting, time has done good to him, REAL good ;-p
And, for the sake of not being shallow ;-p, he played good in this dorama :-))
Yup, the right one.
Well, couldn't take my eyes from the left too.
Ayumi Hamazaki, heh? Well,his loss and the guy on the left's gain. :-D
That's definitely the best comment I've heard so far for this "pink" month ;-D
That's the spirit, gal!!!
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