So this season of American Idol is finally presenting its 12 finalists. A bit sad when Sundance didn’t make it (he got this loveable image and potential unique voice that made me rooting for him), but not really surprised when Sanjaya got his break: I imagine the kid got some serious back up from the American audience; having all the Indian community in the states united to support him :-p
When watching the first battle between the 12 finalists, I was really looking forward on seeing Blake’s, Chris’s (the Justin look-alike, not the other one), Gina’s, and of course Melinda Doolittle’s.
Wow, Diana Ross’s songs sure looked very tough to handle, seeing only few succeed in nailing their songs. But Doolittle really came out and making me loving and rooting her more, at the first part of the show nonetheless. Ever since her last performance when she sang WOMAN (this was the title, wasn’t it? Well, at least I remembered her spelling that word for the song, hehehe). Give us more Doolittle!!!
Lakisha? Well, she was also good, but I am still lacking of chemistry with her. Brandon was as always nice to look at (like his smile) but too bad he didn’t really bring it. Phil? Oh, how I wish he’s no longer on the stage, there’s something about him that gives me the creeps (he made me thinking of some twisted Egyptian priest, in the middle of doing some horrid mummification ritual ;-p sowwiiii…)
Haley was standing there looking as sweet as your regular girl next door; I really hope she can still stay long on the show. Chris Leigh? Agree with the judges: keep the glasses, man! Blake: Not his best, I hope he’ll get more suitable songs in the future. Chris: looking good! Really liked the way he strolled in into the stage, so cool.
Now, Sanjaya: I really thought that he will be the first to get vote-out at the final, but Brandon was the one to go home instead. So I was surprised. Yes, the hair made him looked better now, and it was kind of nice seeing him more “alive” that his prior performances, but really… Anyway, the backing up of him was no joke, it turned out. When listening to the judges’ comments, I was like: just let the poor kid go, people, don’t prolong his misery. Well, the pleading is to be postponed, it seemed, I just hope for not too long.
When watching the first battle between the 12 finalists, I was really looking forward on seeing Blake’s, Chris’s (the Justin look-alike, not the other one), Gina’s, and of course Melinda Doolittle’s.
Wow, Diana Ross’s songs sure looked very tough to handle, seeing only few succeed in nailing their songs. But Doolittle really came out and making me loving and rooting her more, at the first part of the show nonetheless. Ever since her last performance when she sang WOMAN (this was the title, wasn’t it? Well, at least I remembered her spelling that word for the song, hehehe). Give us more Doolittle!!!
Lakisha? Well, she was also good, but I am still lacking of chemistry with her. Brandon was as always nice to look at (like his smile) but too bad he didn’t really bring it. Phil? Oh, how I wish he’s no longer on the stage, there’s something about him that gives me the creeps (he made me thinking of some twisted Egyptian priest, in the middle of doing some horrid mummification ritual ;-p sowwiiii…)

Now, Sanjaya: I really thought that he will be the first to get vote-out at the final, but Brandon was the one to go home instead. So I was surprised. Yes, the hair made him looked better now, and it was kind of nice seeing him more “alive” that his prior performances, but really… Anyway, the backing up of him was no joke, it turned out. When listening to the judges’ comments, I was like: just let the poor kid go, people, don’t prolong his misery. Well, the pleading is to be postponed, it seemed, I just hope for not too long.
Hi there, glad you're back :-)and discussing AI! My fave topic of the month :)
Regarding AI finalists, I think Blake is the coolest of them all. He would have a sustainable carreer after the show's spotlight dimmed since he got the factors:
1. he got the look
2. he got the moves
3. he can arranged the music (and may write his own songs)
4. he got the voice
BTW, turned out, not only the winners and runner-ups get the chance to record, even Eliot is got the chance to make album.
*ok, long comment*
Oh, another AI's fan. Glad you also keeping track of the show. So far the top 11 performances has passed,but I haven't got the time to write anything about it. (Things are really hectic these days, prior to my departure at April 2nd)
A bit sad, cause I still can imagine how am I going to see the show in Tokyo. Maybe downloading them...???
Anyway, speaking about the contestants: Yes, Blake does has the charm and I can imagine him having a long career in the music industry.
But album-wise, his music is not really my style. While Doolittle's album: definite buying for me!!! ;-p
Elliot is making an album? WHEN??? Definitely gonna look out for that one... Thx for the info...
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