Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Book: Batman Hush

Jeph Loeb (writer); Jim Lee (penciller); Scott Williams (inker)
Two volumes

Right now, I didn’t know how I could neglect such a masterpiece like Batman Hush! I am really ashamed for myself. Yesterday I just remember that I have bought the long wanted graphic novels and let them still in a brown envelope, wrapped untouched inside their plastic covers. Desperately tired in reading books (with no pictures ;-p) and watching movies, I reached for the envelope and finally ripped open the plastic wrapping of the first volume. Once started, I couldn’t stop (well, I stop only for a few nature calls, singkong chips and water) and not long after that impatiently ripped the plastic wrapping of the second one.

You know how you hated the time when you already know who’s the criminal mastermind behind all the horrible things gonna be? Well, I was never really had high hopes for this graphic novel, but it turned out that I was wrong about who’s the bad guy was for about two times! I was right the first time but then that person died… so I have to direct my suspicion to other character… but then remember maybe the murder was a cover up… but hesitated again… then the story brought out a “new” character and I believe that he’s the one… but I was wrong again… so well, I kind of give up and willingly let myself carried by the story… I was very glad that the ending was unlike anything I expected.

In Batman Hush, Batman experienced many crimes that seemed to be well-planned, so he was eager in finding out who was the criminal that seemed to know very much about him and his enemies. His search involved many of the Gotham City well-knows criminals such as Croc, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Joker, Two-Faced, and The Riddler. Batman even had to went on a journey to the past (showed on panels which were generally colored in monochrome) and contemplated his love-enemy relationship with Catwoman. The great thing about this story was Batman got to go to Metropolis!!! Yup, it’s the city of Superman. I always like stories that joined superheroes in one story. Superman and Lois Lane, his wife, got to enjoy some panels in volume 1 and a glimpse in volume 2. Love it, when Batman several times said that “Clark was basically a good guy, and always will be”—and you can see this, in a subtle way, on Batman’s and Superman’s faces (the stroke of lines, colors, Batman’s grim mask, Superman’s simple haircut and features). While Batman always commenting Superman’s nature as a journalist, he got several remarks on how he was such a good detective.

For a not-so-fanatic-about-superheroes’-comics-person like me, the story was probably had some unfamiliar facts that had already known to the comics’ fans. Such as: who is Oracle? When did Lois and Clark got married? Who is Huntress? Is she Batgirl reformed? Robin is now not Robin but Nightwing? Then who is the Robin now?--questions. But gladly, Batman Hush supplied enough information for an amateur like me; therefore I could still enjoy the story line without being puzzled much. After all, too much information would no doubt destroy the plot itself.

The reason that I didn’t read too many superheroes comics was I don’t really enjoy watching the thick lined illustrations they have. Always think of them as boys’ reading. I much prefer the two dimensions, simple colors and lined comics of manga. But this time I was amazed by the awesome work of Batman Hush team, Joker’s face was soooo menacing, I didn’t have the guts to stare at it too long. And the feminine curves of the ladies… need I say more? Enough to make any woman envious! Boys, they are not real! None of them really look like that in the real life! ;-p

Although I read the Indonesian edition of Batman Hush volume 1 and 2, published by M&C Comics, I couldn’t find the images for them. So, sadly I have to post the English’s version covers. They almost look alike with the exceptions that the first volume of Indonesian edition was dark blue and the second was red-brownish (chestnut) colored.

Anyway anyhow… you should try to browse for this one! Definitely!!! (Boy, I feel a new strong addiction is coming up. Wallet, beware!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wah, komik ini emang serius dan bagus banget penggarapannya. Serasa baca kompilasi semua sejarahnya Batman, siapa temannya, siapa musuhnya. Tapi yg jelas pacarnya bukan Katie Holmes, ya... hehehe... Di beberapa frame, serasa liat tampangnya Christian Bale. Apa Jim Lee suka sama film Batman yg terakhir? Tapi kalo liat tahun pembuatannya (2003), kyknya sih duluan komik ini drpd filmnya ya. Anyway, banyak gambar landscape yg rasanya pengin diambil buat wallpaper/poster deh... huaaaaa... Pas baca rasanya mau beli sendiri, tapi pas liat harganya... huaaaaaaa... mengapaaaa... Untung ada temanku yg baik hati ini udah beli, jadi bisa kupinjam... hehehe... Thanks ya, arigatou, merci, grazie, gracias!